Monday 3 October 2016


Hi guyz, seriously I have been thinking about life recently. so I decided share this with my lovely readers

BE GRATEFUL: I am not a good inspirational speaker but I love to talk to  people. do you  know you have to be grateful for anything and everything because for everything we are passing through it could be worse but it was bad. so be grateful.

Don’t mess with peoples emotion: you see almost everybody is going to some expensive shit,be nice. you don’t know what the other person is going through. if you cant help at least don’t mess them up. ”if you cant help ,no dey ask how far?

Remember  this too will pass: everything will pass, challenges come and how we face them that matters.i realized it is very easy to read quotes and concur ,it’s a big deal to apply them when the challenges come.

After failure then what:I was watching a video of linda ikeji in her new studio and it really inspired me she said “after failure then what ?if worse come to worst I fail and I try again and again. seriously speaking it is our fear of failure that make us fail .you should be fearless. to succeed you have to understand failure.

Be humble: there is a saying like ”your bank account is someone’s donation at a function, your best clothes are someone’s rag’’ .so be humble no one has it all, even the rich beg for pen in bank

Be yourself: we are who we are,we should be true to ourselves.

will love to hear what you guys have to teach me about life

Have a lovely week


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